WHO IS chet modi

Chet Modi MBChB, MSc, DipSEM, FRCS (Tr&Orth)
I am a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon specialising exclusively in the treatment of shoulder and elbow conditions. Problems around the shoulder and elbow can cause significant pain and loss of function affecting one’s daily life, work and sporting activities.
I offer an individualised expert service to ensure that together we can find the optimal solution as quickly as possible. My use of the latest minimally invasive state-of-the-art arthroscopic techniques accelerates the recovery process.
Learn more about Chet Modi
info@elbowshouldersurgery.co.uk024 7661 2681
Elbow and Shoulder Conditions
Elbow and Shoulder ConditionsProin iaculis purus consequat sem cure.
Elbow Conditions
The elbow is a complex joint that allows you to flex (bend), extend (straighten) and rotate the forearm and thereby move the hand into the desired position. Injuries and painful repetitive strains can cause problems with the surrounding bones, cartilage and soft tissues and result in difficulties with daily activities, work and sports. Please click on the link to find out more about specific elbow conditions and treatment options.
Learn more about elbow conditions

Shoulder Conditions
The shoulder is a ball-and-socket joint and has the greatest range of motion of any joint in the body allowing movement of the arm and hand into the desired position. The extreme flexibility of the shoulder is reliant upon the complex interaction of the muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves, making the shoulder prone to problems, which can result in difficulties with daily activities, work and sports. Please click the link to find out more about specific shoulder conditions and treatment options.
Learn more about shoulder conditions

Frequently Asked Questions
Lots of factors are involved when you’re considering whether to undergo treatment for your shoulder or elbow problem such as the type of treatment, the amount of time off work and rehabilitation required and how to get the process started. Please click on the link to find out more information and answers to frequently asked questions.
Frequently asked questions